
Miss Tic – Street Artist Poétesse

MissTic, street-artist poetess

With her talents as a poet and visual artist, which make her a key figure in French street art, Miss.Tic has been offering since 1985 an immersion in a picturesque and lyrical universe that she has been stenciling on the walls of Paris. With characteristic women’s drawings and sharp phrases, her creations are meant to be messengers of freedom. Misstic‘s art is based on a delicate combination of insolence and poetry, nonchalance and denunciation.

Her collaborations

A multi-talented artist, she designed the poster for the film “La Fille Coupée En Deux”, and the artistic direction of the visual identity for the Montpellier tramways and the Ucar company.
Miss.Tic‘s work is aimed at everyone and makes the people her obvious and critical interlocutor.

Entrance to the museum

MissTic is regularly present in international contemporary art fairs, but also in museums such as the Victoria and Albert Museum in London and the Fond d’art contemporain de la ville de Paris.
